Monday, May 16, 2011

My Deck Profile!!!!!!

I was nervous!!! D':

Let me know what you think >.<~~


  1. 2 bazoo > 2 DD survivor (necrovalley stops it; and since you run skill drain, macrocosmos and D fissure, most of times you wont be able to remove monsters to increase its attack).

    1 evocator chevalier > 1 BK barbaros (4 gemini monsters are more than enough for 3 gemini spark; also one more barbaros + skill drain can help you to get rid of those GK's monsters with 2000/2500 DEF).

    also i think you should find a place for 2 MST


  2. Thanks. I only like the bazoos to remove from grave .__. might take out one for a Barbaros... and Ive tried less geminis but the gemini sparks stack up and it sucks :/

    Thanks for the advice :)

  3. You really were super nervous lol. don't worry about it. but yeah you really are awesome looking lol. I have no say in it being fixed because you beasted me lol.

  4. Thanks. But my face isn't even in it.... .__.~

  5. XD I like how you said, "I like two Macro, not three, two~."

  6. Yup xD because there was so much debate between two or three xD

  7. Have you ever tried D.D. Scout plane? It gets its effect with both Bazoo and Macro on field. Check out my blog I give competitive tips!

  8. Are you being serious? 0.o .... I'll look at the blog anyways....

  9. aww i read like half of the stuff on here then got tired of reading lol i didnt know i made a pretty girl cry :( it makes me even sadder :,(

  10. Awww :'( nah I wasnt crying~ I was just a tad bit sad :'D xD haha glad you stopped by :)
